Thursday, June 22, 2006


It was a few nights ago when I started to fall asleep. I moved my hands behind my head to get in a comfortable position. My whole body was relaxed and a calming sensation moved all through me. As I laid there alone, I felt a hand softly press against my abdomen. A normal react would be to jump up and panic, but I didn't want to move my energy in that direction. Instead, I kept calm and waited to see what would happen next. The touching continued around my belly button, presses with circular motions. I was amazed at what was happening. I didn't know who or why this was happening, but I just laid there feeling this experience. The touching stopped and immediately after, there was an incredible burst of heated vibration at the base of my tailbone and could be felt on my inner upper thighs.
It ended here and I felt a deep attunement and calm that lasted throughout the night. Some said, this was a part of my Kundalini awakening and rising and to expect more experiences. I continue to work with Kundalini yoga and energy work as well as the Tibetian Rites movements.

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