Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tuning Into The Radio!

This was an interesting morning. I started my fast today and I decided to take a nap on the coach at noon. When I woke up I was laying inside the soft covers, staying warm (you know the feeling). To my pleasant surprise I began to listen to beautiful music which sounded as if it was coming from the back of my head. It was a soloist playing the cello, I was loving it. I heard every note and could feel its vibration. The music ended went to commercial! I believe I was listening to a radio station. The commercial was a car dealership or similar. I heard the mans every word, I even threw out some words out loud that I heard myself saying, so I would remember them. They said the number was 1-800-CAR-AUTO, and press /show/for the car show times.
I remembered to "surrender", and I began to cover this connection with my self or my energy. I began to move my astral body behind myself and away from my physical body.
I was now in the air flying like an eagle. I told myself to 'go see' what I need for the my betterment. I passed by an ancient ruin with white-washed lion-like sculptures outside. I then proceeded to the sea, where I plunged into it and saw the sea life, the details were brilliant and I was left in awe staring at its beauty.
I settled to the bottom of the ocean, unable to move, staring at a blow fish!

When I got up. I went to the phone and dialed that number I heard. It is the number to American Auto. I should of asked the lady some questions, like do you have commercials on an instrumental radio program? And can we dial 'show' for car show times? :-)

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