It was a cold and rainy day and I was in need of a nap, my mind was about to turn off. As I laid there all cozy and warm, the mental pulling and ringing began. I lifted up easily, no effort needed on this one.
My intention was going straight up into the heavens and see the stars, but I was pulled into the hallway and quickly into the living room. I saw my daughter on the couch watching TV and wondered if she saw me. I had hoped I wouldn't scare her if she did see me. She looked clueless and I immediately floated out the front door, that's when I focused on the universe and I shot straight up! I was passing up bright galaxies, hundreds at a time. I actually flew past them all and was left in a void. I was a little bummed and thought loudly, "let me see what I need to see." I was brought into the universe but I believe to a new dimension or into the void itself. I found myself floating next to these yellow orb-like objects with prongs sticking out of them. It looked a bit like something you would see through a microscope. It was strange but intriguing. I had no clue as to what they were. Then my dog started to make snoring sounds and that brought me back to home base.
Until next time ...